Yes, buying a property as an American citizen in France is complicated but not impossible. In France, every sale of land / property shall be conveyed in from of a Notaire. The equivalent of a Notaire does not exist in US. Therefore, a lot of confusion is entertained in the understanding of how to buy property in France. Our law firm help compensating that gap in between the cultural difference to ease the access to properties to American citizens. If you are a planning to buy a property in France and you don't know how to proceed, feel free to contact us.
Some banks also require a legal opinion from an attorney based in California and, ideally, who has knowledge of French law. Our law firm represented clients in those matters and will love to represent you if the need arise.
If you want to enter into a rental contract, our law firm being attorneys for many years of major property management companies and of rental insurance companies has a particular knowledge of the rental market in France. Our firm can help to put into contact with proper company and in fact review the rental contract so there is no bias and the interest of our client is preserved.
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